Jenkins Marine Smaller Dredge team have been busy dredging local back in Poole with maintenance dredging over three different marinas and boat parks.
Dredge pontoon JML60 (18m x 6m) has been fitted with a 22t excavator, which has been loading 150m3 capacity split hopper barge ‘HURST’. Workboat ‘Buffalo’ has been used to push the Hurst to the sea disposal site within Poole Harbour, benefitting from its recently upgraded higher horsepower engines. These dredging works, like many of our dredge projects, have required careful planning. To access dredge areas with the relatively large dredging vessels requires parts of a marina to be taken apart, with finger pontoons removed, and in this case pontoon piles extracted as well.
Working in several different areas of marinas also means completing one area, only to be faced with a period of standing time waiting for it to be put back together, boats to be moved back, and then the next area to the cleared of pontoons. As a result we have been back and forth between these dredge sites, with a total dredge estimated in the region of 10,000m3. Works started in January, and are due to complete before Easter 2018. In addition to the dredging works, Pontoon removals and repairs have been required, together with piling works for approximately 15no tubular piles; either new, replaced or extracted and re-driven. Capable workboat STOUR has been used for the piling works, utilising its powerful 68t/m deck crane, and a combination of percussive and vibratory piling equipment.
For more information regarding dredging or any of our other specialist vessels please contact Jenkins Marine or visit our web site – and navigate to the relevant section